Wednesday, June 4, 2014


We gave Raya her first real bath the other night (we had to wait for her cord to fall of before we could do this).  She absolutely LOVED it.  I anticipated screaming the whole time because she is not a fan of changing her clothes or diaper.  Boy did she prove me wrong.  She didn't make a peep.  She was the most relaxed I've ever seen her.  She just kicked back, stuck that belly out and loved every minute of it.  Easton loved giving her a bath too!

Raya has been doing great and still eating like a champ!  She weighed a whopping 9 lbs 2 oz last week at the doctor.  They were amazed and said she's doing great.  We've had a few more episodes of what seems like acid reflux... so I'm really, really, really hoping we can steer clear of that with her because it was so awful and painful for Easton.  Breaks my heart when I see her like that - she seems to be very sensitive to whatever I eat so I need to be extra careful about that!  The doctor also wasn't concerned about her choking episodes.  She said as long as she's recovering from them and not turning blue.... yikes!  She said it's likely a form of acid reflux or not spitting up all the way and it getting stuck in her throat.  Once a night though, Jake darts out of bed to pick her up while she's choking!  Scares the crap out of us!

My days are pretty much spent feeding her and changing millions of poopy diapers!  Some days she literally eats on the hour - every hour.  I feel quite unproductive but I have to remember that's what these first weeks are all about.  Except today, we ran some errands this morning and she has slept most of it (I even got a nap in) because we were awake most of the night with reflux :(  boo!

Easton LOVES to show off Raya at school when I pick him up and his friends love to come and see her.  So, that is pretty cute.  He has still asked a couple of times, "Is she still Raya?"  and last week when he was mad/tired - he told me he wanted her to go back in my tummy.  I'm certain he didn't mean in though as he constantly wants to hug and kiss her :)

LOVING the bath 

content with tummy time - she eventually fell asleep like this :) 

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