Monday, June 16, 2014

Just say no...

...  to dairy!  And drugs... always say no to drugs. :)   It's official, I cannot have dairy as it gives Raya horrible reflux.  I have been avoiding it but last night Jake and Easton picked up dairy queen and I thought I would give it a try because I didn't know for sure if it made a difference not having any dairy [and because, let's face it, it's pretty hard to turn down dairy queen].  Well, I got my answer.  Poor little Miss Raya was in so much pain last night :(  So hard to see her hurting like that -- especially when it's my fault.  So sad :(

This is my last week of just 'Raya time' as Easton will be joining us next week.  He'll still go to daycare 1 day/week so he can see his friends and teachers.  So, I'm hoping to try and start somewhat of a schedule with her this week so we can at least have "controlled" chaos when Easton joins us.  I'd also LOVE to coordinate their nap times so they are both sleeping at the same time - that would be the dream :)

I have to give a big shout out to my parents for making our yard look great!  It's always been a challenge to get our yard under control every summer.  My Dad came up and got all of our flower beds cleaned out for us this year!  It was a wonderful birthday present for me as it never would have gotten done this year.  I'm sure our neighbors thank you too :)

Sun bathing (not really... more like hanging out in the shade while mom sits in the sun)

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