Monday, June 9, 2014

1 month

Cant believe she's already a month old!  I forgot how fast the days go by.  Makes me so sad - it's so hard to soak up every moment when life just zooms by.  I think she was already out of the "newborn stage" after a week.  She just got so big... so fast!  Her 3 month clothes fit her perfectly... what?  She's only a month old!  I guess that's what happens when she's such a great eater!

Sleeping has been going pretty good.  Despite the growth spurt at 4 weeks she typically wakes up around 2am to eat and is up for about an hour.  She is now sleeping in the cradle/rock and play thing we got for her to originally sleep in.  She does better in that than in the bassinet of the pack-n-play because it's at a slant and she doesn't have any choking episodes.  The choking seems to be few and far between (not sure if it's because it's not happening at night anymore because of the new sleeping arrangements or if it's getting better).  She no longer sleeps in our bed either - I just got too paranoid with that even though we were very careful. Hopefully we'll have her sleeping in her crib in the next couple of weeks.  She still seems to get congested and agitated very easily at night.  The other night we had all of the kids in our bed.  Thank goodness we upgraded to a king size bed.  I was up feeding Raya in our bed for over an hour and Easton ended up in our bed all night due to thunder.  Talk about getting absolutely no sleep that night!

Raya isn't too fond of using a nuk but we found one that she will occasionally take.  She loves to be held and cuddled and would often eat to get herself to fall asleep and/or find comfort so I wanted to use a nuk for those times she just needed some comfort and didn't really need to eat.

We have a big change coming our way.  I am going to be working part-time next year.  Because of the ridiculously high daycare costs this just ended up making the most sense.  Either way daycare breaks the bank.  Plus, it'll only be for a year and it'll be great to be able to spend this time with my kids - we never get these moments back and they go by so fast - so it's a great opportunity for me!   Raya won't have to be in daycare for a year either which is great for 2 reasons 1. she hopefully can avoid some nasty sickness that she'd probably get from daycare and 2. once she starts daycare she'll be in the toddler room which means lower costs.  I will be working 2.5 days and we'll be having the grandparents come up and babysit during those times.  Very thankful that they are able to do this!  Easton will still go to school 1 day/week (maybe 2) so that he can still be outgoing with other preschoolers and see his friends.  I do feel bad pulling him out because he loves his friends but I know he loves to be home too.  Hopefully it all works out for everyone.

Don't worry I was in the room putting clothes away the whole time she slept [for those worried about the blanket]

So happy! 

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