Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sweet Miss Raya

Raya is such a sweet sweet little girl.  She still LOVES to eat and will eat on the hour, every hour if she can.  Can't believe she's already almost 3 weeks old.   I have to remember to soak up every second because I have learned how truly fast they grow up.  She's been sleeping ok.  She sleeps about 1/2 the night in her bassinet and about 1/2 the night co-sleeps with us.  I never in a million years thought I would do co-sleeping but we are extremely careful and it is a must with this little one.  She has some breathing issues going on and about when she wakes up about 2-3 am for some reason she can't catch her breath when we put her back in the bassinet.  The only way she's calm enough for 'steady' breathing is to be by us.  She has been having more choking episodes where she can't catch her breath - I think it may partially be due to being a bit congested.  I feel much more comfortable having her close by at night because almost nightly we have to scoop her up quickly when she can't catch her breath.  We have a doctor apt. tomorrow so I'm anxious to hear what the Doctor has to say about it now.  She wasn't concerned 2 weeks ago - but I feel as though it's getting worse.  I really hope this is something that will resolve quickly and on it's own.

She's been staying awake more often during the day but it's still a daily goal of mine to try and keep her awake before bed and periodically throughout the day in hopes for better night sleeps :)  I'm thinking ill start working in a routine for her in about a week.  You know me and my love for routines and organization!  (but hey, it's good for the little ones too) :)

I inquired about daycare for her yesterday and am just so frustrated with how much it will cost to have both kids in daycare:  a whopping $23,000/year!  Is that not ridiculous?  I also looked into how much it would cost for them to go 2 days a week so I could work part-time... are you ready for this?  2 days a week would cost $315/week...for 2 days...what the heck is that?  So, we're not sure what will happen when it's time for me to return to work.  I really wish I was good at a hobby that I could stay home and make some money doing something on the side.

She is growing like a weed and most of her newborn clothes are getting pretty tight on her!  I also think I got my first "real" smile yesterday (one that wasn't from gas or dreams or whatever else it might be).  It sure did melt my heart - can't wait for more :)

We've been very lucky to have Auntie Mandy take lots and lots of newborn pictures of Raya.  So, in the words of Easton, "A big, huge, super, duper thanks to Mandy!"  Can't wait to share them with you all - Raya has one talented Auntie that's for sure!  Plus, Raya's cheeks are to die for so that helps too :)

lifting her head and moving from side to side

Jake's work sent us flowers
playtime AKA: release of gas time :) 

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