Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Sleepless nights and baby cuddles

Today is Raya's actual due date!  I can't imagine still having her in my belly today... I think it may have exploded! So happy she decided to come early - for my belly's sake and because I couldn't imagine having to wait this long to meet her.

A big shout-out to Auntie Mandy for taking amazing newborn photos for us.  The one at the top of this blog is one of them.  I've only seen a couple but the ones I've seen are amazing and she works wonders so I'm sure she's captured some amazing moments.  The one that's posted on here just melts my heart.  Daddy and his little girl :)

Another shout-out to Mary and Eddie for bringing us food this week and the gifts for the kids!  Yes, the food you brought us is already gone (hint - hint!  Just kidding!)  And thanks to everyone else for all of the clothes you've bought for Raya.  She is one spoiled little girl who has a closet and dresser full of the cutest clothes ever!  Can't wait to play dress up :)

Raya is still eating like a champ.  Nursing is going much better this time around.... probably because I'm not exclusively pumping like I did with Easton (why did I do that?  worst decision ever).  She still has her cute chubby chubby cheeks!  At her newborn check last week she had already gained back the weight she lost in the hospital and was back up to birth weight.  The doctor was very surprised as it usually takes 2 weeks - not 3 days! :)  She's in the 60% for weight and head and 30% for height.

She loves to sleep all day long and loves loves loves to be held and cuddled.  The nights have been going ok.  She sleeps in the bassinet part of the pack-n-play.  We bought a little cradle thing before she was born that we planned on using but it has a slant in it and since she loves to be swaddled we need to lay her flat so we haven't been able to use that at all.  But the bassinet is better preparing her for the crib anyways.

I'm pretty sleep deprived and can fall asleep at the drop of a hat - literally.  I blink and fall asleep.  I actually fell asleep one night going pee.  hahaha.  True story - I woke up falling off of the toilet face first.  When I go to bed at night I am already looking forward to my coffee in the morning.  :)  But  of course it's all worth it.

Raya loves tummy time (if we do it at the right time of day) and will move her head from side to side already!  She did this at 1 week old.  She's one strong little girl.

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