Sunday, March 1, 2015

Clap, wave, soooo big!

These are Raya's latest "tricks."  She surprised us the other morning while eating breakfast by waving at us.  So, we tried "sooo big" since she was on a role and she did it.  Her favorite thing to do is clap and have brother clap with her.  She just loves it!  I've also noticed she understands the word, "no."  When she's going after Charlie's water dish or something she's not supposed to - if we say, "no, no Raya."  She will stop.  Is it bad that our almost ten month old listens better than our almost 4 year old?  

She's working on some new teeth on the top.  It doesn't seem to be the very front but the ones next to them.  She hasn't been eating many bottles lately and more restless at night. Hopefully those little buggers poke through soon!  We sure have wasted a lot of formula with her refusing bottles.  Oh well!  

We also put up the baby gates this weekend.  This way I don't have to watch her every 2nd of my day -- I can let her roam for a few seconds while I take my eyes away now.  I house is one crazy contraption with all the gates we need with how our house is laid out.  Obviously we  weren't thinking about children when we purchased this house.  Actually, were we thinking at all when we bought this crazy house and yard?  Ok, that's a completely different story.  

Having fun with Dad

Going after the video game controller

Pretty girl

Clapping with brother 

Elvis baby - singing into the microphone

Ready for spring so we can get outside!  

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