Saturday, March 21, 2015

Growing up so fast

All in one day:  Raya started pulling to standing, using her walker, climbing the stairs to the top and saying "mama" over and over again.  Her favorite thing is to climb the stairs over and over and over again (like 80 times a day).

She had a rough few weeks with a horrible stomach virus that wiped her out for a few days and a tooth that was pretty painful poking through so that messed up her schedule of sleeping and eating pretty good.  But I think we're getting back on track now.

(Please check out Easton's blog for a tribute to Uncle Eddie who passed away on March 16th.  We miss you Eddie!! )

Climbing the stairs 

Loves to stand

pretending to talk on the phone with remote

Brother thought it was funny to squish her cheeks

Watching brother while he rides his bike

Enjoying the beautiful weather with Dad

Loves the swing!
First time eating spaghetti

Not happy the door is closed---she wants to climb the stairs

Mom is so funny 

Playing with leaves

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