Monday, March 9, 2015

Happy go lucky

That's how I would describe Miss Raya.  She's happy 99% of the time.  Even today... she has a high fever and I would have never known except for that her head was warm and she wanted to cuddle more than play.  Not playing was a red flag because this girl can play and entertain herself all day long.  She just moves from one thing to another.  She loves to stand and has made it up 2 stairs so far and she is getting super fast at crawling.  She makes it across the room in no time!  A couple of days ago she whispered "ma ma ma ma."  yippy! :)  

My sweet girl

Laughing hysterically at brother

Playing hide-n-seek.  Raya always finds him! 

Hi kids


chewing on cardboard... yummm

kisses for baby

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