Monday, February 23, 2015

Crawl, clap and climb

These are the newest things that Raya can do!  She's a busy busy girl these days.  Can't take your eyes off her for a second or she'll be clear across the room pulling one of the animals tails or chewing apart paper (her 2 favorite past times).  I'm a little concerned about all of the paper she has probably consumed in the past couple months.  But that is all she wants to do... gnaw on books or paper.  Must feel good on her teeth or something.  She also started clapping for the first time a couple of nights ago while taking a bath.  She loves to pull herself up onto things as well.  But in comparison to when Easton was her age... she's still pretty relaxed. :)  There's no rush to have 2 wild childs.  ;)  

She's starting to wake up more again at night.  I think it's a combination of more teeth and the excitement of crawling... as when she wake up she'll be completely on the other side of the bed and turned around so it's clear she's practicing this at night.  Also, she's still not the best eater.  There's definitely been improvement...but we could still use some more.  

She loves to squeal!  It's seriously the cutest thing ever.  Usually this is done mostly towards the animals when she's excited!  

And... Sorry, Raya-sweets....Mommy has you dressed in Easton's old jammies a lot which are kinda boyish... but you're still very cute in them! :)  (It's just too chilly to wear anything but cozy jammies)

I want to play under here too, brother!

Watch out, Kitty!

Here I come, Milly Kitty!


Loves playing with the kitchen

Such an attractive bunch :) 

Cuteness overload

yummy paper

There's not much I love more than those cheeks! 

Causin' trouble

Playing hide-n-seek with brother.  She would crawl and find him every time... it was pretty funny!

yummmm.... DVD

Easton getting Raya to crawl

Hi blue eyes

Just practicing her splits for gymnastics ... no big deal.

Picking on big brother and destroying the train  tracks 

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