Sunday, February 8, 2015

9 months

Wow, time sure does fly!   It's so crazy how fast little ones grow.  When holding Cousin Harrison last week I honestly couldn't even remember Raya being that small.  And of course I remember thinking this with Easton - so I even told myself to hang on to those memories of her being small because you forget so fast... but still... you blink and they're 4 years old and sassin' back to ya! ;)

Raya had her 9 month appointment and she's right around the 60% for head, weight and height. Weighs 18 pounds 11 ounces.  Doctor said she's doing great.  Only thing she wanted us to do is  to get her eating real food better.  We tried a few different strategies and she has finally started eating some finger foods even!  woohoo!  She's down to 1 breastmilk bottle a day with the other 3 being formula.  We'll be able to do this for about another month with what I have stored away.  I've been so hesitant about having her on soy formula because I've read bad things about it but the doctor assured me it's just fine.  So, I'm officially going to be done pumping this week.  It will sure be a nice change not to have to do that anymore.  But, with that being said - I am SO GLAD I was able to do it this long, especially since I struggled so much  with Easton.

Raya's 2nd tooth has popped through too.  woohoo!  That one was sure causing her some pain when she'd sleep.  She's crawling ever-so-slightly.  She'll move a tiny bit before she falls to her belly and then wiggles and rolls around.  I think I say this in every post but she is just the sweetest little girl ever.  Her eyes and smile just melt me.

I think we're going to have some fighting going on when she is on the move.  Her and Easton LOVE to take toys from each other.

Auntie Mary sent me this picture of Raya and Uncle Eddie... I guess she was teeny tiny at one time! :)  

So cute in brother's pj's 

Fun with Mom

Not too sure about this food stuff

She loves to play cars... just as much as brother 

More cars

More cars 

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