Monday, February 2, 2015

Standing and sleeping

Raya loves to stand!  I try and set her down to sit so I can do something and she'll make her entire body stiff as a board so she doesn't have to sit.  She's really starting to like this new freedom of moving and standing that she's discovered.  This past week she has really treated Jake and us nicely by sleeping through the night 5 out of the 7 nights.  Hallelujah!  Now, I'm not banking on it staying this way but it sure has been nice (lets hope I just didn't jinx it).  She hasn't mastered the crawl yet.  She's  SO close though.  In the meantime she just rolls everywhere she wants to go.  She will roll from one end of the basement to the other... usually stopping half way to play with the door.  

Laundry basket fun while Mom puts away clothes

Baby Jeans... is there anything cuter?

I'm not going to sit down

Doing some puzzles

Rolling around and playing with the door

They love eachother

She could be mistaken for Easton.  She's wearing his old jammies and he LOVED to stand on his house and do this exact thing.  I'll have to look back for a similar picture.

Guth Cousins and brand new baby Harrison

Hemmah Cousins

Hi Baby Oscar

Checkin' things out

The many faces of Raya... All within a 30 second time frame :) 

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