Wednesday, July 30, 2014

"I'm happy feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag"

This song is in my head all day every day because of this sweet girl.  Her smile just brightens the room.  If you smile at her she will flash you non-stop smiles.  I think we'll be getting some giggles out of her soon.  She's trying.  I've heard a few squeals here and there.

She also has a new found love of sucking on her hands now that she con control them and bring them to her mouth!  This has also helped her get her nuk in her mouth on her own a couple of times.

I had success in the medicine department for her. I'm very proud of this as working with doctors and insurance isn't easy or fun.  But, I was able to get he doctor to up her dosage which seems to be helping and they also put in an appeal to the insurance and they agreed to lower our co-pay for her medicine!  yay!  Now, I just hope this keeps working for her.  I do think I need to go and throw away some milk that I pumped from all last week though from when I had some dairy.  Jake gave her some of it last night and her reflux was bad again.  It's all a guessing game with this---but we'll keep trying anything so she's not in pain.

Something hilarious with her medicine is that the past 4 days in a row she has fallen asleep while I attempt to give her her medicine.  She absolutely hates getting her medicine so apparently she has found a way out of it... falling asleep.  Grandma Cathy says she has amazing coping skills! ha :)

We're also doing great with getting her in a routine!  Of course this makes me so happy (routine/organizational freak that I am) but I know it's also very good for babies and kids so I'm happy with the progress.  She is taking most of her naps in her crib (with the exception of the past few days from reflux) and is awake for 1-2 hours after she eats and then will nap for about 30-40 minutes with one long nap for about 2 hours in the afternoon.  Then bath time is around 9 and she's usually sleeping by 10.  Hopefully it'll continue to be more concrete in the next few weeks which should also make it easier on the grandparents when they"re babysitting so they can know what to expect (somewhat).

Epitome of happiness... enjoy:

loving herself in the mirror

having a great time playing on her mat

Yes, she even smiles in her sleep.  I went to check on her and wanted to take a picture of how relaxed she looked and she flashed me a smile right when I took this picture...all while she was sound asleep. :) 

chewing on those hands

falling asleep during medicine time

And again...

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