Monday, July 28, 2014

I wish I could slow things down

Everyone always says, "they grow up too fast."  Ugh, it's so true.  Seriously, someone, tell me where the time goes?  I go back to work a week from today.  How did this happen?  12 weeks have gone by already... really?!  When I'm at work time literally stands still.  However, when I'm home with my kids I have no idea where the time goes.  Some days I can't tell you what we accomplished other than eating and pooping (I'm talking about Raya, here).  At least I'm only going back to work part-time for a year.  That definitely helps with the transition and my eyes shouldn't get quite as wet my first day back. :(

We are really struggling with her reflux again.  We had a couple great weeks and things were going great but now things are starting to hurt for her again.  Currently we're waiting to hear back from the Doctor on what our next steps should be.  It seems to be at its worst right now too....I really hope we can get this figured out.  And I hope insurance gets their act together and decides to start paying for it or else we're going to spend Raya's college fund (that we don't have) on her reflux medicine!  

She is still a pretty happy baby.  Her smile is probably the best smile I've ever seen... just melts my heart.  I challenge you to not smile when you see her smile.  It's impossible.   Nighttime is usually the worst time of day for her reflux.  Although,  once we bring her in the bathroom for her bath she instantly gets happier.  She still loves her bath time.  

She also loves to look at herself in the mirror.  Typical girl ;)  She will talk to herself in the mirror for a good 20 minutes - it's adorable!  

She's still not a big fan of tummy time.  Well, actually, she doesn't mind tummy time if she just gets to lay there.  She is not a fan of Mom making her lift her head from side to side.  One day we'll get there.  She definitely doesn't have her brother's craziness at this age.  When he was 2 months he was a wild man and already had rolled over and was moving all over the place - Miss. Raya is quite content with where you lay her down.  Hopefully that's a sign of calmness in our future :)  

Pictures to come later - time to go pick up Easton from school!

A baby wearing leg warmers... adorable! 

Easton practicing his photography skills again :) 

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