Wednesday, July 9, 2014

2 months

Can you believe it?  I can't.  Time just moves too fast.  It's bittersweet, really.  I absolutely love watching her learn new things, smile at us, and coo and caw but if they could just stay itty bitty a little bit longer that would be nice ;)   And in 3 short weeks I have to return to work.  Although, the part-time part definitely helps.

We had her 2 month check-up today and the doctor said she's doing "wonderfully."  Eating and growing like a champ.  But we already knew that.  She has grown a whopping 4.5 inches since she's been born though measuring 23 inches. (looking back Easton also measured in at 23 inches at 2 months)  Doctor had to re-measure 2 times just to be sure!  I'm pretty sure she was just short when she was born because there was absolutely no more room in my belly for her to grow anymore.  I told that to the Doctor and she laughed...I'll take that as I am right! :)   She's weighing in at 11 lbs 11 ounces.  She just finished a growth spurt too!  She took her shots like a champ.  She screamed and her face turned red for a minute but there was no crying or tears.  Unlike Easton who had huge elephant tears and broke his mama's heart.  But that's not surprising since girls are so much tougher than guys.  Only kidding... kind of.  ;)

Horray for new acid reflux medicine!  We've finally (fingers crossed) got it under control.  The prilosec stopped working and so we switched to prevacid and it seems to be working for her.  We still have some moments of reflux but nothing compared to how it was.  She's soooo much happier now too.  We get constant smiles instead of painful grunts.  I feel like a 50 pound weight has been lifted off my chest.  It feels like someone's stomping on my heart when my babies are hurting!  And can I just say her smiles are the most adorable things I've ever glad she's always flashing them at us!

Sleeping at night is getting better.  Hope I didn't just jinx myself.  Of course some nights are better than others but she's gone up to 6 hours in between feedings.  I of course still wake up every 2 hours to check on her but it's better than doing the whole sha-bang of a diaper change and eating and burping and rocking to sleep.  The other night I woke up hallucinating and checking all over bed for her to feed her.  I always did crazy sleep-deprived stuff like that when Easton was an infant too.  Glad this has been a 1 time deal so-far.

Having a hard time figuring out who she looks more like me or Jake.  In some pictures I think she looks like me and others like Jake.  I think it just depends on her expression.  She's just lucky to get both of our stunning looks (sorry, Raya)!

Oh and don't tell Jake but I'm pretty sure she has him wrapped around her finger.  :)

Love this quote and this is me trying to be creative ;) 

comparison of Raya and Easton at 2 months.  I see a little resemblance..the nose maybe?

haha - love this picture! 

Easton took these pictures :) 

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