Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Back to work I go

The time has come.  I went back to work.  Boo.  I've only been back 1 day.  It was much easier this time around than I remember it being with Easton.  The reason being that I don't need to bring the kids to daycare.  Just thinking of Raya having to be in an infant room all day everyday makes me cry - so I'm so thankful the grandparents are watching her and Easton AND that I only have to work part-time to make this all happen.  I'm still super sad about leaving for work in the morning though :(  Don't ask us to do anything that involves money in the next year though because we're going to be broke as a joke for a year.  But it'll be worth it (as long as we stay above water).   I'm going to become an extreme coupon-er.  Ready for that?  ;)

Raya is officially sleeping in her crib at night and for naps!  It's been going pretty good.  We also moved up bedtime from 10pm to about 7:30-8pm.  This has also been great because it gives us about an hour with both kids in bed before we go to bed.  Although, I REALLY want to go to bed at 8 - I force myself to stay up longer to have some non-kid time...even if my eyelids are weighing 12 pounds each.  The last few nights she has gone about 5 hours before waking up to eat.  Yay! We're going in the right direction :)

Chompers:  I believe Raya is working on getting her first tooth.  Lots of drooling happening and she has been wanting her nuk a lot more than usual.

I was wrong about her medicine in my last post.  The next day we received a letter from insurance saying they will not be lowering the price of her medicine.  Ugh.  BUT the good news is, the medicine is working and she's feeling good.  That's all that matters.

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