Tuesday, July 21, 2015


So many new words coming out of this little one's mouth daily.  Her favorite is "owie!"  Apparently, she's always hurt :)  Most people probably think I'm a liar about what she can say as she can get pretty shy around other people (wonder who she gets that from......BOTH parents.... poor thing).  Anyways, her list of words is now: Hi, Bye, No, Owie, Whatsat (what's that), nose, eye, mama, Da (dad), and Meow.  I think that's all.. that's all I can remember anyways.  This poor little monkey just can't catch a break with her teeth.  She goes about 1-2 weeks without teething and then BAM we're back in it again... she can't sleep, eat and is clingy.  I can't believe that when Easton was her age he had 9 more teeth than she does.  Blows my mind.... mostly because I can't imagine that we have that many more teeth she has to suffer through yet.

She can walk all day long.  She just doesn't want to.  She'd rather hold your hand and walk next to you.  I have to remind myself to enjoy this!!!  Because soon, very soon, there will be a time she wants nothing to do with holding my hand.  So, for now, I will embrace this.. every time her tiny hand reaches out for mine so she can take her wobbly steps.

She's also really into books lately.  Her favorite is "goodnight moon."  She will look for the mouse on every page and when she finds the kitties she'll point to them and say, "meow"  We also have a "first words" big book that she'll look through.  It's hilarious, when she gets to the page with food on it she'll do the "more" sign and then she'll try and scrape the food off of the page and put it in her mouth.  It's great :)  

I know I mention this with every post but she is the gosh darn sweetest thing.  Ever.  She loves to hug and kiss and be held and is just so sweet.  She has also started to throw some tantrums but let me tell you.... these are SOOOOOO minor compared to what Easton threw at her age.  That's probably going to come back and bite me in the ass real soon.  But for now, she's sweet as sugar.  

I am in tears and in awe that she starts daycare in 2 days.  Well, kind of starts.  We're easing our way into it.  She'll go a couple times for a couple hours to start her transition.  My poor little Rayapie is going to be in complete shock that she's not getting 1:1 attention all day everyday.  I still think of her has my baby... not a toddler....so I just can't fathom her being in the toddler room.  It's mind blowing to me.  Sleep on a cot.  what???  sitting at a table and pushing in her chair when she's done eating.  what??  And let's not forget the germs.  So. Many. Gross. Germs.  I'm a huge germaphobe and this just grosses me out at the thought of how many snotty germs float (more like are smeared) around a toddler room.

Well, we are officially done with bottles.  We have been for a few weeks now.  Sad that we'll no longer have bottles in this house anymore.  But, so nice not to have to wash them and to get my counter space back (no more bottle dryer rack)!  It's the little things, right?  

I'll be back after Thursday to update on what an emotional wreck I was leaving Raya at daycare for an hour!  Ugh....

Happy 33rd birthday, Dad

Loves to be pushed on the scooter

Hugs for the kitty.  Of course Milly ruined it and bit her 2 seconds after this photo.  Naughty Kitty.  

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Having fun at the splash pad.  

Putting on her sun glasses

The cutest

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