Sunday, July 5, 2015


Raya's favorite word the past few days has been, "hi!"  She says it over and over and waves!  It's pretty darn cute.  She's still only taking a couple steps at a time.  She just loves to hold your hand and walk next to you.  Reminds me of an old lady who is losing balance and just wants to hang on just-in-case.  :)  That's fine by me.  She'll be off and cruising soon enough.  Gotta keep all this "baby" stuff close as it will be onto the toddler stage all too soon.  

She has become obsessed with purses.  She played with mine for hours one day and she even would put it over her shoulder and carry it around the house.  I have since given her one of my purses.  She just loves to put things in and take things out.  

We went on the St. Croix river with my family on July 3rd to celebrate the 4th.  It was a great time.  Raya did pretty good.  I got off the boat early with her as she needed to get down for her nap.  But for the most part she enjoyed it... didn't even complain too much about wearing those awful infant life jackets!   

She's starting to hold her own with her brother.  There is going to be some "battling" (as Easton would say) between these two siblings.  I've already witnessed Raya hitting him and him pushing her over a toy.  

Can't believe she starts daycare in about a month.  My eyes get wet just thinking about it.  Gotta soak up these last few weeks while I can.  :)  

Grandpa Tom's birthday

Bathing beauty

Fun with Auntie Mary

Little monkey - climbing on everything

Cutest cousins I know

This is happiness

Love her

Happy 4th

Supergirl shirt from Mary

Loves to jump on the trampoline

Loves the water

Biker babe

Purse obsession

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