Monday, March 30, 2015


Discovered how much fun pots and pans are

Cutie Patootie

Having fun with her doll house

fake coughing

Starting to stand without hanging on

Loves to toss things over her shoulders! 

Charlie puts up with a lot

Loves to play with the kitchen

Friday, March 27, 2015

Playing catch

Raya is having so much fun playing these days.  Here's a little video of her and Jake rolling the ball back and forth... this is something she plays multiple times a day.  She loves it!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Growing up so fast

All in one day:  Raya started pulling to standing, using her walker, climbing the stairs to the top and saying "mama" over and over again.  Her favorite thing is to climb the stairs over and over and over again (like 80 times a day).

She had a rough few weeks with a horrible stomach virus that wiped her out for a few days and a tooth that was pretty painful poking through so that messed up her schedule of sleeping and eating pretty good.  But I think we're getting back on track now.

(Please check out Easton's blog for a tribute to Uncle Eddie who passed away on March 16th.  We miss you Eddie!! )

Climbing the stairs 

Loves to stand

pretending to talk on the phone with remote

Brother thought it was funny to squish her cheeks

Watching brother while he rides his bike

Enjoying the beautiful weather with Dad

Loves the swing!
First time eating spaghetti

Not happy the door is closed---she wants to climb the stairs

Mom is so funny 

Playing with leaves

Monday, March 9, 2015

10 months

Sweet Raya girl is 10 months old.  She is changing so much and so fast!  Some fun things about Raya: It's so fun to know that she understands certain things we tell her.  She also calls her bottle, "ba ba" and will say "mama."  She absolutely love, love, loves to wave - and I have to say it's definitely the cutest thing I've ever seen.  She has 3 teeth - 2 bottom in the middle and one on the top right.  Her favorite food I have to say is meat.  Whenever we giver her turkey or hamburger she will devour it.  She loves to suck her thumb when she's tired or hungry.  

Happy go lucky

That's how I would describe Miss Raya.  She's happy 99% of the time.  Even today... she has a high fever and I would have never known except for that her head was warm and she wanted to cuddle more than play.  Not playing was a red flag because this girl can play and entertain herself all day long.  She just moves from one thing to another.  She loves to stand and has made it up 2 stairs so far and she is getting super fast at crawling.  She makes it across the room in no time!  A couple of days ago she whispered "ma ma ma ma."  yippy! :)  

My sweet girl

Laughing hysterically at brother

Playing hide-n-seek.  Raya always finds him! 

Hi kids


chewing on cardboard... yummm

kisses for baby

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Clap, wave, soooo big!

These are Raya's latest "tricks."  She surprised us the other morning while eating breakfast by waving at us.  So, we tried "sooo big" since she was on a role and she did it.  Her favorite thing to do is clap and have brother clap with her.  She just loves it!  I've also noticed she understands the word, "no."  When she's going after Charlie's water dish or something she's not supposed to - if we say, "no, no Raya."  She will stop.  Is it bad that our almost ten month old listens better than our almost 4 year old?  

She's working on some new teeth on the top.  It doesn't seem to be the very front but the ones next to them.  She hasn't been eating many bottles lately and more restless at night. Hopefully those little buggers poke through soon!  We sure have wasted a lot of formula with her refusing bottles.  Oh well!  

We also put up the baby gates this weekend.  This way I don't have to watch her every 2nd of my day -- I can let her roam for a few seconds while I take my eyes away now.  I house is one crazy contraption with all the gates we need with how our house is laid out.  Obviously we  weren't thinking about children when we purchased this house.  Actually, were we thinking at all when we bought this crazy house and yard?  Ok, that's a completely different story.  

Having fun with Dad

Going after the video game controller

Pretty girl

Clapping with brother 

Elvis baby - singing into the microphone

Ready for spring so we can get outside!