Monday, February 23, 2015

Crawl, clap and climb

These are the newest things that Raya can do!  She's a busy busy girl these days.  Can't take your eyes off her for a second or she'll be clear across the room pulling one of the animals tails or chewing apart paper (her 2 favorite past times).  I'm a little concerned about all of the paper she has probably consumed in the past couple months.  But that is all she wants to do... gnaw on books or paper.  Must feel good on her teeth or something.  She also started clapping for the first time a couple of nights ago while taking a bath.  She loves to pull herself up onto things as well.  But in comparison to when Easton was her age... she's still pretty relaxed. :)  There's no rush to have 2 wild childs.  ;)  

She's starting to wake up more again at night.  I think it's a combination of more teeth and the excitement of crawling... as when she wake up she'll be completely on the other side of the bed and turned around so it's clear she's practicing this at night.  Also, she's still not the best eater.  There's definitely been improvement...but we could still use some more.  

She loves to squeal!  It's seriously the cutest thing ever.  Usually this is done mostly towards the animals when she's excited!  

And... Sorry, Raya-sweets....Mommy has you dressed in Easton's old jammies a lot which are kinda boyish... but you're still very cute in them! :)  (It's just too chilly to wear anything but cozy jammies)

I want to play under here too, brother!

Watch out, Kitty!

Here I come, Milly Kitty!


Loves playing with the kitchen

Such an attractive bunch :) 

Cuteness overload

yummy paper

There's not much I love more than those cheeks! 

Causin' trouble

Playing hide-n-seek with brother.  She would crawl and find him every time... it was pretty funny!

yummmm.... DVD

Easton getting Raya to crawl

Hi blue eyes

Just practicing her splits for gymnastics ... no big deal.

Picking on big brother and destroying the train  tracks 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

9 months

Wow, time sure does fly!   It's so crazy how fast little ones grow.  When holding Cousin Harrison last week I honestly couldn't even remember Raya being that small.  And of course I remember thinking this with Easton - so I even told myself to hang on to those memories of her being small because you forget so fast... but still... you blink and they're 4 years old and sassin' back to ya! ;)

Raya had her 9 month appointment and she's right around the 60% for head, weight and height. Weighs 18 pounds 11 ounces.  Doctor said she's doing great.  Only thing she wanted us to do is  to get her eating real food better.  We tried a few different strategies and she has finally started eating some finger foods even!  woohoo!  She's down to 1 breastmilk bottle a day with the other 3 being formula.  We'll be able to do this for about another month with what I have stored away.  I've been so hesitant about having her on soy formula because I've read bad things about it but the doctor assured me it's just fine.  So, I'm officially going to be done pumping this week.  It will sure be a nice change not to have to do that anymore.  But, with that being said - I am SO GLAD I was able to do it this long, especially since I struggled so much  with Easton.

Raya's 2nd tooth has popped through too.  woohoo!  That one was sure causing her some pain when she'd sleep.  She's crawling ever-so-slightly.  She'll move a tiny bit before she falls to her belly and then wiggles and rolls around.  I think I say this in every post but she is just the sweetest little girl ever.  Her eyes and smile just melt me.

I think we're going to have some fighting going on when she is on the move.  Her and Easton LOVE to take toys from each other.

Auntie Mary sent me this picture of Raya and Uncle Eddie... I guess she was teeny tiny at one time! :)  

So cute in brother's pj's 

Fun with Mom

Not too sure about this food stuff

She loves to play cars... just as much as brother 

More cars

More cars 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Standing and sleeping

Raya loves to stand!  I try and set her down to sit so I can do something and she'll make her entire body stiff as a board so she doesn't have to sit.  She's really starting to like this new freedom of moving and standing that she's discovered.  This past week she has really treated Jake and us nicely by sleeping through the night 5 out of the 7 nights.  Hallelujah!  Now, I'm not banking on it staying this way but it sure has been nice (lets hope I just didn't jinx it).  She hasn't mastered the crawl yet.  She's  SO close though.  In the meantime she just rolls everywhere she wants to go.  She will roll from one end of the basement to the other... usually stopping half way to play with the door.  

Laundry basket fun while Mom puts away clothes

Baby Jeans... is there anything cuter?

I'm not going to sit down

Doing some puzzles

Rolling around and playing with the door

They love eachother

She could be mistaken for Easton.  She's wearing his old jammies and he LOVED to stand on his house and do this exact thing.  I'll have to look back for a similar picture.

Guth Cousins and brand new baby Harrison

Hemmah Cousins

Hi Baby Oscar

Checkin' things out

The many faces of Raya... All within a 30 second time frame :)