Thursday, January 15, 2015

First time in the snow

It was a balmy 30 degrees today and sunny so I figured it would be the perfect day for Raya to play in the snow for her first time.  I think she was undecided about it... wasn't excited but wasn't crying.  She just went with it!  :)  With the weather being so nice - Easton played outside 3 times today (Raya and I only joined him for 1 of those)!  But thank goodness because he was going stir crazy being cooped up inside!

I think she's working on more teeth.  Last night was a rough one.  She was awake for hours crying in pain.  We couldn't tell if it was tummy (hasn't pooped in a few days) or teeth.  Hopefully tonight is better... we all need more sleep in this house!

Insurance is being a huge pain in the butt again.  I called to refill Raya's reflux medicine and they told us that insurance is only paying $20 and it will cost us $250!!! Ummmm... excuse me???  We refill this medicine every 3 weeks.  That would literally cause us to go bankrupt.  I really hope her doctor can figure this out again for us.

Hi kids! 

Easton was very proud that he was holding Raya in the "big boy sled." 

Time to make snow angels

Sweet face.  She loves riding on this thing.  


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