Thursday, January 22, 2015


For the past 1-2 weeks she's FINALLY started to eat food!  Woohoo!!!  She even opens her mouth for the spoon.  This is some major progress people!

Insurance did not pull through for us this time.  They want us to pay $267 every 3 weeks for her medicine.  This is just ludicrous!  Our doctor is hopefully going to try one more time.  I don't know what we'll do if it doesn't go through...  What is wrong with those insurance people!? ugh!

Cuteness overload

Loves checking herself out in her mirror

Road rage!!!! 

Eating sweet potatoes

She is getting quite a stellar mohawk

Fun with Auntie Mary

Pulling brothers hair, face, ears etc...  Easton LOVES this by the way... for real! 

Mom actually put real clothes on me today... and a bow... wow, I'm cute! 

Swiping brother's cars

She's a quick one! 

Hi Mom

Eating a Mum Mum....woohoo!!!! 

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