Friday, January 23, 2015


Raya found a new way to get around!

First time trying sippy cup.  She drank out of it right away!!!  

Sippy cup and puffs.... she's getting so big!  

Looking at herself in the mirror 

Thursday, January 22, 2015


For the past 1-2 weeks she's FINALLY started to eat food!  Woohoo!!!  She even opens her mouth for the spoon.  This is some major progress people!

Insurance did not pull through for us this time.  They want us to pay $267 every 3 weeks for her medicine.  This is just ludicrous!  Our doctor is hopefully going to try one more time.  I don't know what we'll do if it doesn't go through...  What is wrong with those insurance people!? ugh!

Cuteness overload

Loves checking herself out in her mirror

Road rage!!!! 

Eating sweet potatoes

She is getting quite a stellar mohawk

Fun with Auntie Mary

Pulling brothers hair, face, ears etc...  Easton LOVES this by the way... for real! 

Mom actually put real clothes on me today... and a bow... wow, I'm cute! 

Swiping brother's cars

She's a quick one! 

Hi Mom

Eating a Mum Mum....woohoo!!!! 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

First time in the snow

It was a balmy 30 degrees today and sunny so I figured it would be the perfect day for Raya to play in the snow for her first time.  I think she was undecided about it... wasn't excited but wasn't crying.  She just went with it!  :)  With the weather being so nice - Easton played outside 3 times today (Raya and I only joined him for 1 of those)!  But thank goodness because he was going stir crazy being cooped up inside!

I think she's working on more teeth.  Last night was a rough one.  She was awake for hours crying in pain.  We couldn't tell if it was tummy (hasn't pooped in a few days) or teeth.  Hopefully tonight is better... we all need more sleep in this house!

Insurance is being a huge pain in the butt again.  I called to refill Raya's reflux medicine and they told us that insurance is only paying $20 and it will cost us $250!!! Ummmm... excuse me???  We refill this medicine every 3 weeks.  That would literally cause us to go bankrupt.  I really hope her doctor can figure this out again for us.

Hi kids! 

Easton was very proud that he was holding Raya in the "big boy sled." 

Time to make snow angels

Sweet face.  She loves riding on this thing.  


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wrestling with big brother over a truck.  I think Raya won this match! 

Feeling defeated as she tries to crawl

hahaha - "get me out of here!!!!"

sporting our #weloveeddie shirts.  I'll have to get a onsie made for Raya.  But for now her heart jammies portray the same message :) 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

8 months

8 months old and growing so fast!  Miss Raya has officially reached the age of learning something new every day!  She is talking non-stop these days... and loves to say "bugh."  In just he past day she has started to go from the sitting position to the crawling position and vice-versa.  I think it'll be any day now that she starts crawling.  She love, love, loves to stand against furniture and loves to ride on her new puppy she got for Christmas.  She is starting to get very attached to Mommy.  Often if I leave the room or her sight it results in tears.  :(

Sleep is starting to get a little better (knock on wood).  We had a very, very rough week or 2... I can't even remember because we were/are so sleep deprived.  We're talking a couple of nights of only sleeping being held or waking up every hour.  Easton also wanted to join in on the fun and was getting out of bed at least 1x a night and coming in our room.  Safe to say Jake and I were going on like 3 hours of sleep at most.  We decided to slowly start introducing formula in hopes that it would fill her up more at night.  So, we have started 1 formula bottle during the night.  It does seem to be helping a little and I've cut down to only pumping 3x/day.  I feel like I've gained hours of my life back...oh wait... that's because I have!  My goal has always been to make it to 9 months before completely switching over to formula.  Looks like I may reach that goal!  Amazing, seeing as though I made it only 2 months with Easton.  It's crazy how much guilt I feel with giving formula.  Even one small bottle a day.  How did I ever manage to switch Easton fully so young?  I do remember feeling sooo guilty back then though too.

Raya has amazing fine motor skills.  We've recently started calling her, "swiper."  If you've ever seen Dora you know why.  Swiper always takes things from others... as does  Raya!  :)  She will swipe things out from right under you in no time.  Always taking Easton's cars he's playing with or pretty much anything that anyone is using or playing with.  She's a quick one!

She has also weaned herself from 3 naps a day to 2.  She's pretty consistant at having a 9am nap and 1pm nap.  Which is PERFECT... because then both kids take afternoon naps at the same time.  This gives me just enough time to shower and pump.  Some day I'll have a clean house again and won't need toothpicks to hold open my eyes but for now my priorities are to hang with my babes :)

Love this one 

They look thrilled....

Some random pictures I forgot to post from the past couple of months

Grumpy pants.  So funny because she's usually all smiles

Tired from jumping


Sibling love


Auntie Mary

Santa at Easton's school

Trucks are fun

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Watching big brother play outside.... trying to get out of her play pen to get to him

She loves riding on her new puppy.  Look at those eyes ... she's sweet as pie. 

Trying so hard to pull herself up on everything

Standing against furniture now
Have you ever met a child afraid of this?  Well, now you have. The very sight of it brings her to tears!  So strange!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Trying to crawl to big brother (we have to call him that... not Easton...."I'm the big brother")

Holy cuteness!

Putting on my make-up for the day!