Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sassy Pants

This is Raya's new nickname.  She has quite the little attitude and LOVES to yell "NO"!  Whenever you ask her a question.  It doesn't matter if you ask if she wants candy, a million dollars or to take a nap.  The answer is always "NO"!  Her new favorite word is, "mine."  So, we have lots and lots of struggles with Easton about who gets to play with which toy.  Super fun...  But her sassiness just adds to her cuteness so she gets away with it most of the time... unless it's accompanied by her new discovery of hitting.

Raya loves her new daycare and gets excited to go see her teacher Hanna everyday.  Often times she also doesn't want to leave... another good sign! :)
Found her sitting in Easton's room reading a book :) 

Just the cutest 

While brother's away I'll play with his stuff and wear his hat

The fighting begins 

Kisses for Charlie
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Pumpkin carving time

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