Friday, October 23, 2015

All settled in (kind of)

Well, we did it!  We successfully moved out of our old house on Morgan Ave and into our new and much improved house on Penstemon Lane!  Hooray!  I have no idea how we did it but we did (and that's all that matters now).  The amount of crap we had (and still have) amazed me.  It didn't seem like we were ever going to stop finding things to pack.  Thanks to our super hard working parents who made this move possible... and our 2 men and a truck!    To say we love our new house is an understatement.  Sometimes I just stare in awe that this is ours.  My favorite things about our new house are: 1. mudroom (can't believe I was going to sacrifice having this in another house we thought about buying).  2.  the kitchen - it's big with so much storage and it's just pretty to look at  3. carpet.   Yes, carpet.  Holy Moly having carpet is amazing (and it's new)!  I mean I love our wood floors too but they aren't everywhere which makes the house warmer and much, much quieter.  The first week in the house we kept scaring each other by accident because we were so used to hearing someone walking from a mile away and in this house you don't hear people walking at all.  The list could go on forever but I'll spare you and just give you my top 3 :)  Wait, I lied.. I just thought of one I couldn't leave out.  The floor plan... having the kitchen, living room, play room and a bathroom all on one level is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!  Especially, with small children.  Things just magically fell into place for us with our move here.  From getting the house that we dreamed of to having both kids new daycare and school be phenomenal - we are pretty lucky.  And I'm going to chalk it up to karma.  We're such darn good people that we deserve some good in our lives ;)  I can toot my own horn. It's ok... we all should do that more!  I should also give a shout out to Tom and Cathy who saved us while we were drowning in payments at our old crappy house because if it wasn't for that help we would still be trying to recover and never would have been able to move.  Ok, ok, enough of that.  On to what you really came here for... the kids!

Easton LOVES his new school.  I am so impressed by what they are teaching him too from reading and math all the way to social/emotional skills.  It's funny to hear him say things like, "today when I went to STEM lab..."

He also just got his new glasses this week.  And O.M.G. they are stinkin' adorable on him!  He has really impressed me with how much he wears them and keeps them on without complaining.  He will ask to take an occasional break from wearing them but they must be making a big difference if he will wear them all the time.  I thought his old daycare was great with the activities they did and what they taught him but now I think it was crap that we paid MORE and he receives such better care and education where he is now.  Such a great change!

Raya's new daycare is also a change for the better.  Within the first week she loved it so much she didn't even want to leave to go home one day.  It's just what she needed because she gets SO MUCH MORE attention  than at they old daycare.  Plus she naps about 3 hours a day at the new place!  The difference I think is because she sleeps in a pack-n-play versus a cot and she gets a room to herself rather than sleeping in a huge room with 20 other toddlers.  Who could sleep like that.  Plus she can take her shoes off.  Her new daycare couldn't believe that they weren't allowed to remove her shoes at her old place.

So, all in all we are so thankful for all the new changes and that everyone adjusted so well! :)

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