Monday, June 8, 2015

Raya had us all teased for about 3 weeks of sleeping through the night.  Now this past week she's back to getting up at night again.  She's also been so clingy and emotional. I'm thinking more teeth... those darn things are just not fun for anyone.  Hopefully these next ones start poking through so Jake and I can get back to a full nights sleep.  Lord knows we need it with these two who never.stop.moving.

Raya has been eating more than Easton these days.  Or so it seems.  Seriously, this girl can eat.  It is so nice to be done with formula too.   We're still stuck with 2 bottles - she loves those things but at least it's just milk.  We'll have to break her of those before she starts daycare in 2 months (insert sobs from Mom).  I am in disbelief that in 2 months she'll be in the toddle room sleeping on cots and sitting at a mini table eating her meals and pushing in her chair.  Whaaat? 

She still isn't walking by herself yet. She's pretty hesitant to do that.  Soon though, I'm sure.  We had a little taste of summer today with 80 degrees and sunshine and I just can't wait to be home with them this summer and playing outside all day - will be much more fun for her when she starts cruising on those feet!  

She still doesn't talk much... mostly Mama and meow and brother and hello or hi.   She will put the phone up to her ear and say, "hello" it's pretty darn cute!  Occasionally I'll hear her say "more" when she does the sign for it.  I'm pretty sure she said "tree" the other day too.  She will be sure to get what she wants through the "more" sign in sign language and lots and lots of pointing at things!

That's not how you ride it

My sweets'

Raya standing all alone

My beauty

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