Sunday, May 10, 2015

1st Birthday

Raya's party was a success!  Nothing too extravagant just family, some food and a pinata! :)  Raya and Easton absolutely love Stella and Gretta so they were both over the moon with excitement this day.  Raya just lets out a high pitched squeal when she's around the girls... its so funny!  We lucked out with beautiful weather so we could spend the whole day outside.  We would have to split it up into 2 parties otherwise (which is fine... it's just a little more work) so we don't have to cram everyone into our house.  Thanks to all who came and for the presents.  Although, paper and boxes would have suited her just fine :)  Maybe someday she'll start playing with toys! ;)

Auntie Mary and Raya on her birthday

Love this! 

Raya LOVES Gretta

She also LOVES Stella

Fun game of baseball at Raya's party

Auntie Mary and Harry 

Finally got a picture with handsome Harrison

These 3 goofballs love playing togther


Uncle Jake The Snake

Not too excited about this cake

Giving some to Easton

Love this photo of Gretta kissing Raya

The girls :) 

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