Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Mother's Day was wonderful!  I got to sleep in - Jake did all of the night wakings with Raya (and there were multiple ones that night).  I was given a very sweet handmade card and we just had a low key day at home.  Which was perfect.  I do have a super cool ring coming my way too... but it's personalized so it's still in production.  I'll be sure to put a picture of it up when it arrives :)  So thankful for my wonderful husband and 2  super sweet kiddos. 

Raya had her 1 year appointment last week.  Everything went great. She's in the 55-60% for everything and weighs in at 20 pounds.  We are taking her to a pediatric eye doctor next week.  We've always had some concerns about one of her eyes so her doctor just gave us a referral.  Said it's probably nothing but better to be on the safe side.  

She took her first step today.  It was small and only one but that's all that matters!  She started standing alone over the weekend too so I think she's ready to start cruising on her own soon.  :)

She has slept through the night 4 nights in a row!  That's record for her!!!  Jake was gone for the night last Friday and of course that was the night she chose to cut her  2 new teeth in.  She was awake from 12:30-4am.  Now, this has happened with all of her other teeth too.  She picks 1 or 2 nights to stay up all night because it hurts so bad... the only difference is Jake and I are able to switch.  Not this time.  Man that was a rough night for this Mama.. and then Jake was gone the whole next day so I was high on caffeine the next day keeping up with the 2 movers and shakers!  BUT the good news is that after those 2 teeth  came through she can finally sleep.  Feels like she's been teething for months (because she has) so it's great that's catching a break from it now!  

We are starting the transition from formula and milk and trying to break free from bottles.  I can't wait to be bottle-free at this house!  She's not happy about this transition at all.... as this girls loves her bottles.  I think in another week we should be bottle free during the day.  She still might need one at bedtime but hopefully we can just be using all milk by then instead of mixing it with some formula. This will encourage her to keep eating table foods too.  Speaking of food. This girl LOVES sweet potato fries.  Grandma Cathy has made them for her before and she just gobbles them right up so I started making them and she will eat like 15!!  15!!! 

Well, nap time is over... I'll update more later.  :)  

Poor Raya.... just after a down poor.  She was such a trooper! 

Family at the 5K

MN Brain Tumor 5K in honor of Uncle Eddie

This was on May 18th... winter hats and mittens.  yuck! 

Fun at the zoo with Mom and Brother

Ignore how horrible I look.... she must have been tired. She crawled over to me and climbed up to rest her head on me.

Cold walk to the park on Mother's Day

This one loves to play peek-a-boo.  :) 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

1st Birthday

Raya's party was a success!  Nothing too extravagant just family, some food and a pinata! :)  Raya and Easton absolutely love Stella and Gretta so they were both over the moon with excitement this day.  Raya just lets out a high pitched squeal when she's around the girls... its so funny!  We lucked out with beautiful weather so we could spend the whole day outside.  We would have to split it up into 2 parties otherwise (which is fine... it's just a little more work) so we don't have to cram everyone into our house.  Thanks to all who came and for the presents.  Although, paper and boxes would have suited her just fine :)  Maybe someday she'll start playing with toys! ;)

Auntie Mary and Raya on her birthday

Love this! 

Raya LOVES Gretta

She also LOVES Stella

Fun game of baseball at Raya's party

Auntie Mary and Harry 

Finally got a picture with handsome Harrison

These 3 goofballs love playing togther


Uncle Jake The Snake

Not too excited about this cake

Giving some to Easton

Love this photo of Gretta kissing Raya

The girls :) 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Outside love

This little one LOVES to be outside.  It rained last weekend and Easton wanted to go outside and play in the rain.  Once Raya saw that he got to go out she cried so Jake thought he'd go outside with her and she'd realize it's raining and want to go back in.  Not so much... She cried whenever he tried to come back inside!  I can't even walk by the front door or patio door or she'll throw a huge fit if I don't go outside. Should be a fun, fun summer with these 2 crazy kiddos!  We just gotta get Raya walking soon!  

Raya has started to make a high pitch squealing noise to go along with her growling.  It's pretty cute :)  She's getting 2 more teeth on top that are starting to poke through.  She's still waking up 1 time per night usually around 3am...she doesn't have a bottle we just have to hold her until she goes back to sleep.  She typically sleeps from 7:30-3ish so she goes a pretty long stretch... in the medical world she is considered to be sleeping through the night.  In our world... she's got a couple more hours to go for that to happen ;)   We just can't do cry it out because many times she wakes up because her poor teeth are bugging her.  Hopefully after these next 2 come in she has a little break from teething.  

She loves the lights on the ceiling too.  She'll reach for them in every room.  But definitely don't lift her up to them... she's afraid of them.  haha - she's so funny!  But she does know what  "light" means because if you say it she'll look up at it.  It's so fun to see her recognize words.

We took her 1 year photo's with her talented Auntie Mandy on Monday.  I'm very excited to see them - she did a pretty good job. She just did not like her cake smash pictures.  I had to shove her hand in the cake and mush it all around and she hated it.  Didn't try to eat any of it either. Silly girl doesn't know what she's missing :)  Maybe she'll give it a try at her birthday party this weekend.

Raya and Easton in the same shirt at about the same age.  

Farmer Raya 

Sneak peek of Raya's 1 year photos.  :) 

At least Easton was ready for the picture



Afraid of the tree.  She's so funny what she's afraid of! 

Loves to be outside.  It was raining and cried every time Jake tried to go inside!  

She wanted to be in the rain... just didn't want to stand on the wet ground! ha :)

Crawling around while Brother plays baseball

My little love



Everyone must do this - whether you have kids or not.  Keeps those pesty sales people away! :)