Monday, December 22, 2014

7 Months

I'm pretty late with Raya's 7 month post.  We've been so busy lately that I just haven't had a moment to update.  She had her 2nd flu shot at 7 months and she weighed 17 pds 4 ounces... she gained a whopping pound in a month!   It's funny that 1 pound in a month seems like a lot; when I can gain 3 pounds in a day!

Raya still is not a good night sleeper.  Jake and I are walking zombies.  I imagine one of these days we'll say it's time to try to cry-it-out but as of now we just can't get ourselves to do that.  Maybe when she starts eating real food better so we know she's not hungry at night.  Which brings me to the next 7 month topic... food.  She still doesn't like baby food either.  I bought a little thing that resembles a pacifier that you fill with food and she will eat it a little better out of that.  Hopefully in the next couple weeks she'll take to eating better.  She's also starting to roll and scoot around the floor if she wants something out of reach.  Today she held herself up on all fours for a second and occasionally she'll stand next to furniture helping her a little.  But other than that she's pretty content with sitting in one spot and playing.  It's a pretty nice change of pace from always-on-the-go Easton.  Looking back at Easton when he was this age and they are completely different!

When Raya get's excited, it's the funniest thing ever.  I really need to get it on video.  She makes a crazy face with her mouth wide open and growls all while her legs go stick straight and she twirls her feet in circles.  It's hilarious!

I'm almost certain she can say, "hi" and has been for a month. Otherwise, no other 'real' words yet.

She continues to LOVE Charlie and Easton makes her laugh daily.  All he needs to do is talk and she bursts out laughing.

Auntie Mary and Uncle Eddie got married last weekend - so we had a wonderful time celebrating their love.  I was the maid of honor, Easton was the ring bearer (pulled the aisle runner down) and Jake was the usher (filled in for Mason who was sick and helped Easton pull the aisle runner).  We were all so honored to be a part of their special day.

First time seeing each other.  Such a special moment. 

My brother is soooo loud! 

This is her when she's excited!  It's even better in a video.  

Always going after the puppy

Mrs. Mullin

Love this - so much! 

Raya is not quite sure about this

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