Monday, December 29, 2014

1st Christmas

Raya was a huge fan of Christmas.  Her absolute favorite thing in the whole world is paper.  So of course there was nothing better than tons and tons of wrapping paper and tissue paper to rip, crinkle and take a quick bite of when nobody was looking.  She did great opening up the presents --- but then was not at all interested in what was inside.  She could have spent all day playing with the paper.  Christmas at my parents was so mild that the kids had a bonfire and roasted marshmallows and played football outside!

Her first tooth finally poked through!  For real this time!!!  The lower front left tooth popped through on Saturday.  The kids were at Jakes parents for the night and I felt her mouth on Saturday for teeth and then again Sunday when we picked them up and sure-enough... it FINALLY made it's way through!  woohoo!

She's starting to change so quickly now.  She's always trying to pull herself up and really wants to crawl... just can't quite get the hang of it. This stage is so bittersweet.  It's so fun to watch them learn so fast but at the same time makes me sad thinking about how fast she's growing up.  Gives me baby fever!  Yes, I realize how crazy that sounds because she's still a baby.... but the itty bitty baby part goes by so so fast!  And nobody get your hopes up.... there's not another baby!

Typical baby with bow on head picture

Glimpse into 2 minutes of Raya's life

Gma and Gpa Hemmah
Oscar (3 weeks), Raya (7 months), Easton (3 years)

Raya (7 months), Gretta (5 years), Easton (3 years) Stella (6 years)

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