Sunday, October 5, 2014

We are the coolest people around....

That's what Raya must think because she doesn't want to miss a wink of what might happen in our house.  That's all we can come up with as to why this girl doesn't sleep!  She does ok at night (most nights)  Still wakes up about 2 times to eat but she does not nap well during the day suddenly.  It's been going on about 2 weeks now.  Hopefully we can figure out how to put a ka-bosh on this soon because she needs her sleep and Mama (and Dad on the weekends)  needs more than 30 minutes of downtime a day.

She is quickly moving out of baby stage... she can scoot herself around when she's on her tummy.  She will usually do this to get after her favorite toy or to try and chew on Charlie.  Of course we don't let her chew on Charlie but she loves Charlie and loves to put everything in her mouth so yes, she has tried to gnaw on his paw.  She loves to sit up more and reaches for toys she wants.  Makes me so sad how fast they grow out of teeny tiny baby stage.  Especially since she may be our last baby but at the same time it's so fun to see her grow and learn new things and watch her personality grow.  Bittersweet, I must say.

The day of her baptism she wasn't feeling well at all.  Didn't like anyone else to hold her and it was just a rough day for her.  PLUS the baptism lasted like 2.5 hours.  Crazy Catholics.  But when we got home the greatest thing happened.  It was Easton's bath time and Jake was holding Raya as Easton was in the tub playing with this power ranger bath toys and Raya just busted out laughing big belly laughs.  It was the first time we've heard her laugh and I was able to get it on video.  It's so funny and cute!  It was so unexpected after the rough day she had but it definitely made our day complete.  Easton loves to watch the video over and over again and still tries every night to make her laugh.

The only issue we have with tummy time anymore is when she uses it to get out of taking her medicine.  She used to fall asleep when I would give her her medicine and now she just flips right over to her belly when she sees it coming.  She also rolls over to her tummy every night which still makes me super nervous because I'm the most worried Mother you'll ever meet.

Tummy time is so fun now 

Fun at Auntie Mary's Bridal shower

Twisting and turning trying to avoid her medicine

Trying to get Charlie

They were all up in each others grill 

Cutie pie!  Love those cheeks! 

She loves this puppy.  Especially when it sings.  She love love loves singing! 

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