Thursday, October 9, 2014

5 months

Our sweet little Raya is already 5 months old!  You'd think I'd be used to how fast they grow up but every month I'm completely amazed as to how quickly the time has gone and how big they get.  A few of Raya's favorite things:

1. Singing and music
2. The Wheels On the Bus
3.  Big brother Easton --- he's hilarious!
4. Charlie
5. Bath time
6. Imitating noises we make

I think she's going to be sooo excited in a month when she can start to have mushy baby food.  She watches us like a hawk when we eat and tries to grab our  food!  Hopefully that will help her reflux a little too when she starts food as it's starting to act up again.  Poor babes.  :(

Easton is doing so well with her lately.  He likes to sit next to her and "protect her" because he's the big brother. It's pretty cute.  The other day I moved her from the swing and he didn't see me and asked, "where'd sweetheart go?"  Does it get any cuter than that? :)

She rolls front-to-back and back-to-front like an ol' pro now!  Most nights she rolls over and sleeps on her tummy.  Occasionally she'll wake up crying from this as she can't find a way to get comfortable after she does this.  Especially if she rolls to far into the crib rails.

Loves to give her kisses

Baptism lamb from Mary and Eddie

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