Monday, September 1, 2014

She's on the move

I witnessed Raya rolling over in her crib yesterday!  ahhhh!!!! Mom does not like this.  I wouldn't mind if it was a roller to her back but she rolled from her back to her tummy.  She did this when she woke up and continues to when she wakes up from nap.  I can live with that - as long as it's not in the middle of the night where I have to worry about her face-planting it into her sheets.  She's also lifting her head SO MUCH BETTER now at tummy time and doesn't immediately scream the second you put her on her tummy.  That's major progress, people!!

She's a drooling maniac.  I hope these teeth poke through soon because they sure do give her trouble some days.  :(  Although I read some babies can teeth for months before the teeth pop through.  Ugh, I hope that's not the case with her.

Sleep.  Oh sleep, where art thou?  Raya hasn't been napping great and has been waking up many, many times at night.  I feel like I haven't slept in weeks.  Tonight we're going back to a later bedtime to see if that helps.  Fingers crossed.

Raya thinks her big brother Easton is hilarious!  We heard her first tiny little giggle the other day.  Easton was being being silly at dinner (and by silly I mean naughty) throwing or spitting food and Raya was loving it (oh great, reinforcement).  But it was cute to her a laugh come out :)

Content with being on tummy... this never happens

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