Tuesday, September 9, 2014

4 months old

I think 4 months has been the biggest change with Raya.  She is rolling from her tummy to her back and from her back  to her tummy.  This seems to happen most when she wakes up from naps as she likes to sleep on her side and so when she wakes up she rolls right over to her tummy.  But I'd say her biggest accomplishment is the huge improvement with tummy time!  She not only lifts her head but her whole chest off and will even play with toys for awhile on her tummy.  Thank goodness -- this worried Mamma was beginning to..well...worry!

The sleep thing hasn't gotten any better.  She will usually nap pretty well during the day with a couple short half hour naps and then one longer nap anywhere from 1.5-3 hours.  Night time she seems to just be hungry all. night. long.  We've tried many different things but I think our next 'trick' will be adding rice cereal to her diet to see if that helps fill her up.  I've read in so many places that there's almost always a dip in sleep at 4 months... so we'll probably just have to wait this one out!  And be utterly exhausted.  

One of our favorite (and I'll just go ahead and speak for Jake here as I think he agrees) things that Raya does is when she first sees you and flashes a BIG smile she gets shy and will bury her head in whoever is holding her.  It's difficult to explain but it's quite possibly the cutest thing ever.  

She's also getting very interested in her big brother.  She will just stare at him and watch him close no matter what he's doing.  The other day it was during supper.  She just couldn't take her eyes off of him as he was eating and being goofy.  Although, sometimes (most of the time) she has no choice but to look at him as he loves to be 'all up in her grill' (see kids...I was cool at one time).

Kisses for my sweet girl.  Easton is becoming quite the photographer! 

They're both getting so big

So sweet

I'm getting pretty good at this tummy time stuff

Aunties ... plural

pretty girl

Starting to move while sleeping

I am in love with this photo - such a beauty

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