Monday, December 12, 2016

It's a Christmas Miracle!

Well, It's almost been 1 whole year since I have updated.  Unacceptable.  It's only fitting that my last post was about how difficult it is to find time to do anything -- especially update the blogs.  Life hasn't changed much in that respect - always searching for more time to get 'stuff' done and spend time with the kids and Jake.  I have started leaving for work at 6am this year so that I do get more time to get stuff done and spend time with the kids.  Leaving early in the morning means I get to leave work earlier - both of those things result in missing the horrible traffic I used to sit in.  I REALLY don't like getting up at 5am but it's worth it to miss sitting in traffic for 2 hours everyday.  I'm also able to get home early enough to pick up Raya and get home in time to meet Easton at the bus stop. 

Raya is still at the same daycare.  She loves it there. It's so different from the big center daycares we were used to with Easton but we love the small in-home feel too and I think Raya enjoys that so much more than she would a big center.  We will have to look at pre-school options for when she's 4 though. I think she'll need a little more exposure to what real school is like before starting Kindergarten.  Jeez, listen to me - She's 2.5 and I'm already planning for kindergarten.  Guess that goes to show how quickly these years are just flying by for me.  She's so smart - she knows her months of the year, days of the week, can count to 20, knows her shapes, sing her ABC's, knows some colors.... she struggles with this for some reason.  She is also a talking machine.  Complete sentences all the time with a HUGE vocabulary.  I think it helps a ton to have an older brother who loves to learn as this helps her always explore new things as well. 

She is still sweet as pie.  She's definitely got a little spice to her too. Especially when it comes to her brother or if we tell her she can't have a treat.  Or really, if we just tell her "no" - watch out world!   She loves to pick on Easton just as much as he loves to pick on her.  She wants to be just like him and do EVERYTHING he does. This includes eating.  When it comes to bedtime snacks Easton will eat as much as he possibly can and she tries to keep up.  The poor thing must be so bloated at night.  She's actually a tiny, tall, little peanut and is only in the 30% for weight. 

Potty training has been interesting with her.  There were signs about a year ago that she'd probably potty train pretty fast.  Not so much.  She could totally do it if she wanted to and has many days where she has stayed dry.  She constantly will pee on the potty - well, anything for a treat!  However, when it comes to pooping.  She will run and hide and tell you she's scared and poop in her diaper.  We always know when she's pooping because she tells us to go away.  Likes her privacy, I guess! :)  Oh well, she'll get there.  It's tough because I don't think they focus on it too much at daycare and so it's confusing going from home to daycare and doing different things.  Plus Mom and Dad are totally lazy some days too.  Boy are things different with the 2nd child. 

Raya had a fun summer of swimming in our neighborhood pool and going to the neighborhood park and just being outside.  We were outside every second we could be this summer.  Towards the end of the summer she was learning how to ride her trike by herself and use her scooter by herself.  We also introduced the big girl bike with training wheels but she wasn't quite ready for that yet.  Maybe next summer. 

Raya is full of one-liners and makes us laugh constantly.  She's always suprising us with her witty comments.  It's like we forget she can hold a conversation and joins on in when we least expect it.  We also finally got her moved into a big girl bed a few months ago and FINALLY figured out how to get her to go to sleep for me.  She would only go to bed for Jake. If I tried she would cling on to me for dear life and cry and say she wants mommy... this would go on for hours.  If I just left her in her room she would throw the biggest fit ever and eventually start choking on her saliva from crying so much.  Needless to say, when Jake was in San Fran for a few days I was up all night with her and it was then decided we needed to take action and get things under control. 

Raya loves:
Mickey and Minni mouse
Jewelry (especially Auntie Mary's locket)
Singing - she will sing an entire conversation.  It's like living in a real life musical with this girl :)
A boy at her school named, Jordan. 
coloring, cutting, gluing
fruit snacks

Next step: upload pictures.... hopefully before December of 2017  :) 

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