Monday, January 18, 2016

Hunker down

It was so cold this weekend - we just hunkered down and stayed home.  There was no hockey, there was nothing.  So, what better time to try to potty train a 20 month old?  She definitely knows when she goes potty and will tell us but will NOT go on the potty chair.  We had 3 accidents on Saturday and went through all the underwear - so that is where we stopped.  ha!  She's not quite there yet so I'm not going to push it.  I don't like when parents push potty training at a super young age - let your baby be a baby!  I know, she's not a baby... but you know what I mean.  I think we'll really try when she's 2.  They won't catch on until they're super-ready anyways.  Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.  Wait, no, no that's not fun.  :)  

Big girl undies 

Pantry raider 

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