Monday, January 18, 2016

Hunker down

It was so cold this weekend - we just hunkered down and stayed home.  There was no hockey, there was nothing.  So, what better time to try to potty train a 20 month old?  She definitely knows when she goes potty and will tell us but will NOT go on the potty chair.  We had 3 accidents on Saturday and went through all the underwear - so that is where we stopped.  ha!  She's not quite there yet so I'm not going to push it.  I don't like when parents push potty training at a super young age - let your baby be a baby!  I know, she's not a baby... but you know what I mean.  I think we'll really try when she's 2.  They won't catch on until they're super-ready anyways.  Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.  Wait, no, no that's not fun.  :)  

Big girl undies 

Pantry raider 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

You are my sunshine

Raya loves to sing songs!  Her favorites include: You are my sunshine, the theme song to Dora the Explorer, Twinkle twinkle, itsy bitsy spider, and the ABC's.  She can count to 10 and is slowly learning her ABC's....when we sing the song every so often I hear her throw out another letter... her favorite is the letter, P, she will shout that one! :)  She is hands down the sweetest thing ever.  Seriously.  She melts my heart multiple times a day.  She is also very hesitant.  Not only around people she may not know well but is afraid of new things as well (especially if they move).  She's currently terrified of Easton's remote control monster trucks he got for Christmas and our new Roomba (robot vacuum cleaner).  She is getting so good at putting puzzles together and right now we're working on learning colors.  She's currently obsessed with Mary and Papa and is constantly looking for them.  She also thinks they travel together - Raya was very confused the other day when  Mary came over but Papa Tom wasn't with her.  Pretty cute!  She's also obsessed with 'treats'  Now that she can open the pantry doors this is a never-ending struggle.  She is always wanting granola bars...always.  Even if she just ate a huge meal.  This goes along with her very independent personality.  She knows what she wants and he's not willing to give up until she gets it.  (Don't ask where that came from....Actually, if you know me or my family, I'm sure my Dad already told you how much she as acquired my personality...especially the independent/stubborn part).  Have I mentioned how sweet she is? ;)

Her top two I-teeth have finally poked through.  This girl is one tough teether.  She refuses to sleep if her teeth are giving her any trouble.  This means watching Dora from 1-4am.  Just 2 more to go (besides her 2 year molars) and then we are home free!  

Now that Raya can say, "Easton" she has lots to say to him.  She's constantly wanting to show him things and get his attention.  The other day, Easton was throwing fit and Raya was in another room and we hear her say, "EEEEASTON, shhhhhhh, naughty!"  It was hilarious!  She's a talking machine and it would be impossible to type all of the words she now knows.  She's always surprising us with new words and phrases.

Raya continues to love her daycare - and so do we!  This was such a good move for her - she get's so much more attention and feels right at home.  Such a good alternative to centers and the potential dangers of in-home.

Raya loves:
We had to get Raya her own chair because she was obsessed with Easton's
  • Dora
  • Easton
  • Mama --- I cannot leave her sight 
  • dancing 
  • treats
  • Her babies 
  • pretending to drink coffee 
  • pretending to go potty on her potty chair 
  • yelling at the animals and letting charlie outside 
  • going up and down the stairs by herself 
  • singing songs
  • "movies" (in other words... watching dora)
  • Daddy
Our life is so busy - hence why I never, ever update anymore.  Seriously it is non-stop go, go, go.  And when I do have down-time that's what I like it to be.... down time...relax for the couple minutes I have.  We didn't have anything going on this weekend (other than hockey) and it was sooooo nice to just hang out.  My job is crazy-busy all the time and I drive an insane amount between driving to work and getting the kids from school and daycare.  It's a bit ridiculous how much time is spent in my car.  But, right now I think the little flexibility I do get with my current job makes it "worth" it -  that's what I'm telling myself for now anyways.   Thank goodness I have Friday's off or I might lose it.  I love spending my Friday's with Raya and getting a chance to get a couple things done at home.  It's also nice to have most of the same days off of work as Easton does for school so we can spend those days together.  Well, that's all for now.  Who knows when I'll update again... :)  

This sums it up perfectly.  Raya annoyed by Easton. haha 

Hemmah cousins

cutie pie 

Having fun jumping off the step with Auntie Mary

playing piano with Mary 

haha she does like her trampoline, I promise.

feeding her babies 

playing in her new crib for her babies 

They're not quite sure about this

Loves puzzles and is getting good at them too

her famous cheese-face 

She's no longer afraid of lucky

Loves brother's chair 

Obsessed with Dora 



Raya took over Easton's chair.  Thank goodness he was a good sport about it.  

Our family's choice of footwear 

Our family stockings :) 

When Easton goes to hockey it means Raya gets to play with all his toys
oh boy

loves her spaghetti 

oldie but goodie 

Morning coffee with Mom 

Is there something in my ear?  

Ray providing refreshments to the players in between periods 

is she 13? 

full of expresions