Saturday, April 11, 2015

11 months

She is not a happy camper

Checking out her Easter basket


Singing itsy bitsy spider.  cutest thing ever when she does the actions

one cool babe

Favorite past time

She loves her animals

Little Miss Raya is growing up so fast.  She has gone just about a week without nighttime feedings.  We decided we needed to put an end to it -- she was drinking so much in 24 hours it was ridiculous.  She has done pretty well.  We just need to sit with her for about 30-45 minutes while she falls back asleep but she has yet to scream/cry for a bottle.  Last night she actually slept through the night (after a brief waking at 9pm from spitting up a ton)!  So she made it from 9:30-6:30.  Woohoo!  It looks like her 2 top front teeth are about to poke through soon.  Hopefully they don't come in while we're on vacation and make it miserable at night for the grandparents!

At 11 months, Raya loves:

  • To suck her thumb
  • Her animals
  • The song, Itsy Bitsy Spider -- and doing hand actions... the. cutest. thing. ever.  EVER. 
  • Crawling up the stairs
  • Starting to walk more behind things
  • To swing outside 
She can say, "mama, Dada, and Baba (bottle)"  

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