Sunday, November 2, 2014

Miss Raya

It's been a couple of weeks since I updated.  Life certainly has been busier than usual.  One of the biggest updates for Miss Raya is that her I-teeth have started to poke through.  Her lower left has come through and she's working on the lower right.  This is just crazy because most kids don't get these teeth until they're 1.5 years old!   Many times they're the most painful too - I know they were for Easton.  So, I just feel awful for her :(  No wonder she hasn't been able to sleep lately.  Another big update for Raya is that she can sit for a few seconds on her own.  It won't be long before she's a full-time sitter!

Sleeping at night still isn't the greatest.  The past few nights have been a bit better with only waking up about 2 times.  Before that it was 3 or 4... I think her poor teeth were just hurting so bad.  She's also getting so much better at naps during the day.  Although, sometimes she'll wake after a half hour and we'll have to go pick her up and hold her in the bathroom with the fan on for a few minutes and then she'll go back to sleep for like 2 hours.  Many times the only way we can get her to sleep is to go in the bathroom turn the light off, fan on and water on.  One night I found Jake in the bathroom doing this but he also added shaking a tylenol bottle to the mix.  I laughed - but I'll be honest...I've used it since then too.  Oh the things that we come up with to get our children to sleep!  

Raya is OBSESSED with Charlie.  If he walks in the room she imediately starts squeeling, kicking, and has the biggest smile ever!  It's impossible to feed her when he's in the same room because she just sits up and wants to reach for him.  

She's really starting to play more with her toys and even scooting herself around on the floor to reach for toys that she wants.  I can't believe she's going to be 6 months old next week!  So bittersweet... 

Trying carrots for the first time.  Not a fan. 

A little resemblance to mom 

Ready for Easton's Halloween party at school


Puppy love

Loving Raffi

Sitting like a big girl

First time swinging
In awe of Raffi

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